10 godina Street Race-a u BiH – zatvaranje sezone


Zatvaranje sezone 2014. bit će obilježeno u subotu i nedjelju, 18. i 19 . oktobra na pomoćnoj pisti Zračne luke u Mostaru organizacijom trke ubrzanja na 402 metra.
Mostar, Banja Luka, Gradiška, Tuzla, Živinice, Bihać, Sarajevo, Modriča, Bijeljina, Brčko i drugi gradovi BiH bili su domaćini najposjećenije auto-moto manifestacije u desetogodišnjoj istoriji, pa će povratak u Mostar biti nešto posebno za sve one koji su bili sudionici ili gledatelji ovih manifestacija.

Street Race je auto-moto sport nastao 30-tih godina prošlog vijeka u SAD-u. Zadnjih dvadeset godina doživio je pravi procvat na prostorima Evrope, dok je prva trka u Bosni i Hercegovini održana tek 2004. godine. Svaki legalni, tehnički ispravan automobil može da učestvuje u takmičenju, čime je ovaj sport postao dostupan entuzijastima širom svijeta.

Trka između dva takmičara, odvija se na pravcu dužine 402,31m (1/4 milje) gdje brži takmičar prolazi u naredni krug. Kako bi takmičenje bilo zanimljivije, takmičari se svrstavaju u klase prema vremenima. Od najsporije klase od 17 sekundi, pa do najbrže klase (npr., klase 12 sekundi).

Ove godine učešće u takmičenju uzet će i motociklisti.

Subota, 18.10.2014. i nedjelja, 19.10.2014.
10:00 – kvalifikaciona vožnja
12:00 – trka (klase: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12)
16:00 – proglašenje pobjednika
Kotizacija za vozače: 50 KM (25€). Ulaz za gledaoce: 5KM (2,5€), za jedan dan.

Organizator, AMK Nitro iz Mostara, obezbijedio je za prvoplasirane takmičare po klasama nagrade sponzora + 100% od kotizacija za vozače.

Rally Tešanj 2014

“Rally Tešanj 2014”, koji je trebao biti održan 6./7.6. ove godine, a koji je odgođen je zbog katastrofalnih poplava koje su pogodile Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Srbiju i Hrvatsku, biti će održan 8./9.11.2014.

Rally se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Općine Tešanj u saradnji sa privrednim subjektima koji rade na području Tešnja i Jelaha, a boduje se za Šampionat Bosne i Hercegovine i Prvenstvo Srbije.

Ukupna dužina itinerera ovog Rallya je 141 km, a vozi se 8 brzinskih ispita (BI) dužine 61 km (43 % dužine rallya).Rall


Subota, 8.11.

  • 20:01 – Ceremonijalni START – Općina Tešanj

Nedjelja, 9.11.

  • 09:01 –  START                        –  MANN+HUMMEL BA
  • 09:20 –  BI/SS1 UNO 1             –  9,00 km
  • 10:20 –  BI/SS2 UNO 2             –  9,00 km
  • 11:15 –  BI/SS3 OAZA 1            – 7,00 km
  • 12:15 –  BI/SS4 OAZA 2            – 7,00 km
  • 13:20 –  BI/SS5 HIFA 1              – 9,70 km
  • 14:20 –  BI/SS6 HIFA 2              – 9,70 km
  • 16:00 –  BI/SS7 ŠIJE 1              – 4,80 km
  • 16:55 –  BI/SS8 ŠIJE 2              – 4,80 km
  • 18:00 –  CILJ                             – PC “Ukus”

“Race officials safety training Programme” u Sarajevu


“Officials Safety Training Programme” ima zadatak da diljem svijeta poveća kompetencijski nivo sportskih radnika. Kako bi se to postiglo, FIA-in institut akreditirao je određeni broj Regionalnih Trening centara (Regional Training Providers) koji kroz edukacijske aktivnosti utiču na razvoj auto moto sporta. Sredstva su dodjeljena Nacionalnim sportskim tijelima poput BiHAMK za realizaciju treninga poput ovoga.

AMK Racing Team je sa 7 svojih članova prisustvovao treningu koji je održao “Motorsport Knowledge Institut” u Sarajevu ovog vikenda. Svih 7 članova našeg kluba uručena su uvjerenja o uspješno savladanim testovima. 

Motorsport knowledge institute

Motorsport Knowledge Institut je dio Auto &Touring kluba Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata (ATCUAE) zadužen za Edukaciju, Trening i Istraživanje.

Par slika sa edukacije i treninga:

AMK Racing Team
Stuart Murray
imer na telefonu
Lunch – Safety basis of Racing !!!



Veleposlanik Hideo Yamazaki – pošteno o svemu!


Veleposlanik Japana u Bosni i Hercegovini Hideo Yamazaki pristojno je i odmjereno očitao lekciju političarima u toj zemlji poručivši im da su korumpirana i bezobzirna kasta koja vodi računa samo o vlastitim interesima oglušujući se o potrebe siromašnih


U pisanoj izjavi dostavljenoj u ponedjeljak lokalnim medijima u BiH Yamazaki je objasnio kako njegova zemlja, bez obzira na dobru volju, ubuduće neće olako financijski pomagati BiH sugerirajući da se pomoć nerijetko neracionalno koristi i rasipa.

Za primjer je naveo bespotrebne policijske pratnje političarima kako bi oni mogli “brzom i bezobzirnom vožnjom” ugrožavati druge sudionike u prometu.

U istupu neuobičajenom za krajnje odmjerenu japansku diplomaciju u BiH veleposlanik Yamazaki podsjetio je da je vlada njegove zemlje na nedavnoj donatorskoj konferenciji potvrdila da će izdvojiti dodatnih pet milijuna eura bespovratne pomoći za obnovu područja pogođenih poplavama.

Istaknuo je ipak kako će aktiviranje tih sredstava ovisiti isključivo o konkretnim projektima koji će se onda izravno financirati bez posredovanja vlasti u BiH.

“Drugim riječima, vlada Japana ne može jednostavno izvršiti transfer novca na račun institucija BiH”, poručio je veleposlanik.

Time je neizravno sugerirao kako je svima u Tokiju jasno da bi u protivnom barem dio doniranog novca završio u džepovima političara na različitim razinama vlasti.

Japanski diplomat poruku bosanskohercegovačkoj javnosti “začinio” je vrlo pristojnom no jasnom kritikom ponašanja političara u BiH koje se ne može okarakterizirati drukčije nego kao bahato ponašanje.

Navodeći kako je često u prilici putovati Bosnom i Hrecegovinom veleposlanik Yamazaki je naveo da redovito viđa “veći broj vozila pod policijskom pratnjom kako pretječu druga vozila”.

Takve su kolone pod plavim rotirkama pretjecale i službeno vozilo veleposlanstva Japana, a veleposlanik Yamazaki je opet pristojno konstatirao kako te kolone pod pratnjom “potpuno zanemaruju važeće prometne propise i bahatom vožnjom dovode u neposrednu opasnost druge sudionike u prometu”.

Na uglavnom lošim i nepreglednim bosanskohercegovačkim prometnicama, koje su rizične i onda kada se vozi 60 kilometara na sat redovito se mogu sresti kolone od najmanje tri crne limuzine ili terenca s uključenim plavim i crvenim svjetlima kako jure i pretječu sve koji su im na putu bez obzira na rizik koji time izazivaju.

Gotovo svi istaknutiji dužnosnici u BiH, a takvih s obzirom na komplicirani administrativni ustroj vlasti ima na desetke, koriste pravo na službena vozila koji uz to imaju barem po jedno, a često i dva i više vozila u pratnji.

Primjerice, kada tri člana Predsjedništva BiH putuju zajedno, iako je to rijetkost, to znači angažiranje najmanje devet vozila.

Slične mjere osiguranja prate predsjedatelja Vijeća ministara, gotovo sve ministre i druge dužnosnike na državnoj i entitetskim razinama, ali najspektakularnije su kolone predsjednika Republike Srpske Milorada Dodika koji za službeno vozilo rabi luksuzni “Mercedes”.

Za veleposlanika bogatog Japana takvo je ponašanje neshvatljivo u siromašnoj zemlji kao što je BiH.

“To me potiče da se zapitam tko su ti dužnosnici BiH kojima se dodjeljuje policijska pratnja i koliko se novčanih sredstva izdvaja iz proračuna za te namjene? Da li i danas, gotovo 20 godina nakon završetka sukoba u BiH, doista postoje objektivni razlozi za provedbu ovakvih sigurnosnih mjera? Postoje li bolji načini trošenja novca poreskih obveznika u BiH?”, pitanja su koja je bosaskohercegovačkoj javnosti, ali i političarima otvoreno postavio veleposlanik Yamazaki.

Poručio im je istodobno da bi možda mogli proučiti kako se to radi u njegovoj domovini Japanu u kojem ” jedino premijer države ima pravo na dodjelu vozila pod pratnjom”, objasnio je neupućenima Yamazaki.

Političarima u BiH uz to je poručio kako bi im bilo bolje da usmjere energiju na poboljšanje uvjeta života svojih građana umjesto da je troše na međustranačke i unutarstranačke sukobe.

“Od političara se također očekuje da razmisle koji je najbolji način da se utrošak javnih prihoda iskoristi za dobrobit građana, posebice onih koji su pretrpjeli najveće štete tijekom nedavnih poplava. Samo kada ovi uvjeti budu ispunjeni Japan će biti u mogućnosti pomoći BiH”, jasno je naveo japanski veleposlanik Yamazaki.


tportal.hr – Mi smo preuzeli, da ne prekucavamo. Sad ide naš dio teksta:

Gospodine Yamazaki, HVALA VAM, što ste objektivno podijelili Vaše mišljenje sa BH javnošću. Sušta istina je da pored toga što nam generalno uništavaju budućnost svojim političkim djelovanjem, nisu u stanju da se na normalan način prevezu 125 kilometara koliko se najduže mogu voziti, prije nego ogladne. U tih 125 kilometara oni se nikome na sklanjaju na cesti, bez obzira što ugrožavaju živote drugih, pogotovo djece. Svojim vozačima mogu dati instrukciju da normalno voze, ali mi to nikada nismo doživjeli. 

Toliko o njihovoj etici. 

AMK Racing Team – Honda 


Honda Civic Type R (EK9) B16B



Pictures of the Old Civic Type R. This was a 1.6 VTEC and used the B16B Honda engine producing 185ps @ 8300rpm. Not ever offically imported into either Europe or USA, some JDM models are seen in the UK (occasionally). Check out the Best Motoring video, battles @ 10,000rpm


This is a copy (changed to reformat the code and make easier to use) of the page from http://www.geocities.com/nofearirc/ek9.html


  • General stats
  • Performance figures
  • B16A – B16B differences (highlights)
  • B16A – B16B tech differences
  • Honda Gearbox Ratios
  • B Series Engine Specs
  • Cam Specs (B – Series)
  • Piston CR’s
  • Header results

General stats for EK9 Honda Civic Type-R



 Performance figures for JDM Honda Civic Type-R

Have you ever wondered how fast the Honda Civic Type-R is in a straightline ? In the May 1998 issue of UK’s Performance Car, a true JDM Honda Civic Type-R was tested in a special hot-hatches feature. The figures attained will send shivers down any of our competitor’s spines.
A listing of some of the critical standing acceleration numbers are as follow:



Top speed was not tested as all JDM Hondas are speed limited to around 180-190kph.

The Civic Type-R bested the UK version of the Honda Integra Type-R which has a derated 190hp engine (and similar quad headlights front facial of the US version). The UK’s Integra Type-R obtained values of around 6.2seconds for the 0-60mph dash but a faster 17.1 seconds for the 0-100mph dash. However, the Integra Type-R was not fully run-in at the time of its test.

Highlights of B16B 98 Spec R compared to B16A



In order to increase the power output by 15 hp, and the max RPM by 200RPM, the engine goes through many upgrades. It should be noted that the B18C spec.R’s cylinder block is used for its endurance.

The translations for the numbered labels in the diagram are:

  1. Cylinder Head – Complete port & polish
  2. Exhaust Valve Spring – High-lift, dual-layered spring
  3. Sparkplug – High-heat-type #7 platinum plug
  4. Pistons – High-compression, low-friction, custom pistons
  5. Connecting Rod – High-output, high-durability, lightened, custom conrod
  6. Engine Stiffener – Aluminum die-cast, high-durability, one-piece type
  7. Crankshaft – Full-balancer, 8-weight, high-output, custom crankshaft
  8. Inlet Valves – Lightened inlet valves
  9. Inlet Valve Springs – High-lift, flat-surfaced, dual-layered spring
  10. Camshaft – Wide-angled, high-lift, high-durability camshaft
  11. Intake Manifold – High-RPM type.

Engine specifications between B16A and B16B:



The camshaft profiles (wild cam) change from B16A 160ps to 170ps and finally to B16B are:



The cut-outs on the piston top to accomodate for valve lift are basically the same between all three piston. This couldmeant that B16B camshafts can be installed into both 160ps and 170ps B16A without the need to change to B16B pistons.

On B16B, the inlet ports are manually ported to increase air-flow. The exhaust ports are identical to B16A.
B16B intake valve seats are at a different angle to B16A, 45 degrees vs 60 degrees. The intake valves are also different, being lighter and having a thinner valve stem.







On the left are the power curves for B16A 170ps versus B16B. Note the big gain in power after 6000rpm, the VTEC switch-over point between mild and wild cam profiles. The gain at extreme high rpms is readily apparent on the curves.

Various individual specifications for B16B can teach us about the feasibility of various modifications to B16A. For eg, the throttle bore diameter for B16B is identical to B16A at 60mm. This means that enlarged throttle bodies for B16A might not be an optimal mod or that a compromise in power delivery might result, eg loss of low-end power in return for gain in high-end power. Note that B16B has identical low and mid range power as B16A.

As with B18C Spec R, the wonder of B16B is the assurance of a 15 to 25ps gain in power on a B16A provided the tuning done by Honda can be completely replicated. Nevertheless even if only a portion can be duplicated, combining with properly designed aftermarket exhaust, headers, and intake could still potentially realize this 15ps gain. B16B engine parts are available from Honda and with care, most of them can be used on B16A for good power gains.
Honda Gearbox Ratios

The table below details the gearbox ratios that can be found in all of the different JDM (Japan Domestic Market) B series transmissions. It also details whether or not the transmission is available with an LSD (limited slip differential).


You can use any B-series transmission (cable or hydraulic) with any B-series block as long as you make sure that you use the correct clutch, flywheel, and intermediate shaft.

B Series Engine Specs


Cam Specs (B – Series)

Piston CRs’

B16B-PCTX_spec B16B-PCTX_profile



Header results


Obtaining ECU Error Codes

To determine if your ECU has an error code:

  1. Locate the ECU under the carpet in the passenger foot well.
  2. Find the red LED in the center of the ECU.
  3. Turn the ignition to ON. The red LED should flash once when this happens to indicate that the ECU has power.
  4. If there are no further flashes then there are no error codes.
  5. If there are further flashes then there are one or more error codes.

Honda ECU error codes

1 Oxygen Sensor “A” (Primary) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
2 Oxygen Sensor “B” defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
3 MAP Sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
4 CKP Sensor (Crankshaft Position Sensor) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
5 MAP Sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure) mechanical problem / disconnected piping
6 ECT Sensor (Engine Coolant Temperature) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
7 TP Sensor (Throttle Position) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
8 TDC Sensor (Top Dead Center) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
9 CYP Sensor (Cylinder) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
10 IAT Sensor (Intake Air Temperature) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
12 EGR Lift Sensor (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
13 BARO Sensor (Atmospheric Pressure) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
14 IAC Valve (Idle Air Control) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
15 Ignition Output Signal missing or defective ignition output signal
16 Fuel Injector System defective circuit or unplugged / defective fuel injector
17 VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
19 Automatic Transmission Lock Up Control Solenoid Valve defective circuit or unplugged / defective solenoid valve
20 Electrical Load Detector defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
21 VTEC Solenoid Valve defective circuit or unplugged / defective solenoid valve
22 VTEC Oil Pressure Switch defective circuit or unplugged / defective oil pressure switch
23 KS (Knock Sensor) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
30 Automatic Transmission Signal: “A” / SEAF / SEFA / TMA or TMB defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
31 Automatic Transmission Signal “B” defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
41 Primary Oxygen Sensor – Heater circuit malfunction
43 Fuel Supply System defective or malfunctioning fuel supply system
45 System Too Lean or Too Rich malfunction in the fuel monitoring systems
48 LAF Sensor (Lean Air Fuel) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
54 CKF Sensor (Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
58 TDC Sensor 2 (Top Dead Center) defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
61 Oxygen Sensor, Heated – Sensor 1 (Primary) high voltage, low voltage, or slow response
63 Oxygen Sensor, Heated – Sensor 2 (Secondary) high voltage, low voltage, or slow response
65 Oxygen Sensor Heater (Secondary) malfunctioning or defective oxygen sensor heater
67 Catalyst system Efficiency Below Threshold malfunctioning or defective catalyst system
70 Automatic Transmission malfunction with the automatic transmission controls
71 Cylinder 1 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
72 Cylinder 2 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
73 Cylinder 3 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
74 Cylinder 4 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
75 Cylinder 5 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
76 Cylinder 6 Misfire or a Random Misfire a condition is present that is creating a cylinder misfire
80 Exhaust Gas Recirculation insufficient flow detected
86 ECT Sensor (Engine Coolant Temperature) circuit range / performance problem
90 Evaporative Emission Control System leak detected in the fuel tank area
91 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor low input
92 Evaporative Emission Control System insufficient purge flow

Honda B DOHC Piston Measurements


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The power of dreams

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